"networking Groups

Now that you know your Vision, your Ideal Client, how to Build Authentic Relationships, create Strategic Referral Partnerships and Client Referral Strategies, you can effectively take advantage of Networking Groups.

As you may recall, I mentioned in last month's article that there are several marketing strategies to fundamentally build a business. The strategies are simple but not always easy, however if they are coupled with vision, vigor and a little tenacity, both business and life can be enjoyed with ease and results produced with velocity.

Remember as these strategies unfold in your reading each month, I never said it would be easy, however I am saying, it "can" be done with ease AND velocity with the right energy going in the right direction.

And you must keep in mind that you will have to address what I call the "human condition."

The thing that will come between you and success is the "human condition"; your self imposed barriers, road blocks, and what you think you already know. Be aware of the barriers and road blocks as you read these.

Yes, I'm repeating this each month intentionally. Why? The two most prominent reasons are: to shift how you think in a way that builds your muscles to understand the fundamentals of marketing AND to address the human condition that could stop you from implementing the strategies and creating extreme success.

Keep in mind that Vision must be first.About the Author:

The Power, Passion & Purpose Group, brings over twenty years experience in business, relationship and individual life coaching. Join the P3groups mailing list to receive their online magazine - The P3 Power Boost Magazine for Women at http://www.TheP3Group.com .

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - "networking Groups

Client Referrals, Networking Groups, Stretegic Referral Partnerships, Client Referral Strategies